Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

I got to work at 6:55am and clocked out at 4:28pm. We were super-busy. I called for a second and even third cashier from 11:30am and on till I got off. I didn't even get a chance to put the ciggs up. Corporate came in and made me nervous.
We give out candy on Halloween, especially to people in costume. These two girls who were probably around 14 were buying a bunch of Halloween make-up. One girl had an orange sweatshirt with a Jack-o-Lantern face. She had a big green bow/stem in her hair. They were cute and not at all bitchy, so I offered them candy.
"Trick or treat?" I said, and passed the pumpkin bucket. The pumpkin girl's face just lit up!
"For me? Really?"
"Yeah, Happy Halloween. You want a few pieces too?" I asked her friend.
"And did you want those glosses you have in your hand?" She did want both of those things, it turned out.
I didn't wear a costume, but I have a Halloween t-shirt and I wore extra-heavy eye make-up today. (Cat-eye eyeliner and gray/black shadow with black mascara). Some woman commented on my "Halloween make-up" and pointed to my cat-eyes. I told her that I usually wear it like that, and she tried to back-track a little. "Oh, well, it looks great." "Well, I did put more than usual on because of the holiday."
A couple came in a bought four bags of candy. I recognized her, and she is usually very nice. A few hours later she says she had forgotten her bag of candy. I told her I didn't have it at my register, yes I do remember her, I thought she grabbed her bag (otherwise I would have said something). She wanted me to comp her the candy. I told her I had to ask my manager. She talked to him briefly, I said I was pretty sure she had taken it away from the register. She was so sad and upset about it and I offered to ask my manager if we could look at the security camera. But she said no. Then she started tearing up and it made me really sad, but why wouldn't you want to look at the video to see where your damn candy went? (I know why.)
Anyway, it was kind of fun working today. People were more playful that usual.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Grandma in a Yellow Sweater

This little old lady in a giant bright (daisy) yellow sweater was looking at the L'oreal makeup. For a while. I caught her eye while I was at the Cosmetics counter and she called me over. From the side she looked kind of like my grammy, so I was happy to help her. Her "special gentleman friend" was telling her about our in-store coupon tag, so I got them the booklet. She had already moved on to bigger and better ideas, and told her man to stay in the lipstick section, holding onto her lipstick that she accidentally already put back. She wanted to go look for a product she didn't want him to know she used. Which was a nose-hair trimmer. I directed her over there, and her man was already in that aisle because apparently she didn't understand what she meant when she told him to stay put. She finally told him in a friendly, firm way that she needed to find something on her own. He eventually toddled off to the register. She was so friendly, and funny that it was a pleasure to assist her. I wish all old people were like that.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Today was an "I'm gonna to strangle someone" sort of day. One of my co-workers noted I was slightly more hostile than normal.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Today I got to be in the Hallmark aisle. From after lunch until the end of my shift. It was a welcome change, and it turns out I'm getting the hang of it. I really like cards, and certainly took advantage of my being in that aisle by reading many of them. There are some super-cute "just because" cards. I still purchase most of my cards at yard, garage and rummage sales though.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Two of my regulars came in today and asked how old I was. 
"Are you serious? You're almost thirty. You're gettin' old. I didn't think you were that old."
Uhhh, I'm not sure why I take offense to that, but I kind of do. When I was 18, I assumed most twenty-six-year-olds had their life together and were adults, but I also regarded them as young enough to hang out with us. I think my baby-face throws people off. And I still dress pretty young. But still their comments were not very well-taken. And they were kind of alarming. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011


For those of you who don't know, PM stands for Promotional Money (or maybe Monies) and we get it by selling the stuff at the register. So whenever I ask you if you want Reece's, M&Ms, or Hershey's the answer is always "yes." I get money put into my PM account, which then transfers over to my actual check. When people comment on my incessant asking, I always say that it is my legal hustling.

I was employed for about six months before anyone said anything about the PMs. So in order to get good job karma points, I told the new girl about printing her register report, about PMs and suggestive sales. And I told her that it changes monthly. She thanked me for letting her know all this. And I saved her from a Crazy Coupon Lady. So that adds on a few more karma points.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I finally got off the register today. My boss came over to ask if I wanted her (the new girl) to stay at the register, or if I wanted her to go to cosmetics to put up totes. I said that because I only got three hours of sleep, I might do better working on the totes.

On my last 15, I look for my sunglasses that are somewhere around the store. I check in the office and at all the registers, but I can't find them. After I clock out, one of my co-workers mention they might have gotten put out by the baler by another co-worker. And they were! "You're a G." I told him.

Monday, October 3, 2011


One of my regulars came in today. She had a itty-bitty purple bruise just under her eye, near the middle of her face. And surrounding the itty-bitty bruise was a big ol' yellow bruise. In fact, almost half her face was a yellow bruise. I bet she was punched in the face. But that is because I often think worst-case scenario.

Sometimes when I look up from my register I see people with their carts approaching from several different aisles. They all seem to be merging towards me and it makes me think of the zombies. You know, the ones from that movie where people get trapped at the mall and besides being a cool horror movie it is also a commentary on the consumerism in America. I always call for backup when I see the zombies approaching.