Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The New Store

I got sent over to work in the new store today. And it went pretty well. For a few reasons: First, I got there on time and we left early (good for my psyche, bad for my paycheck). Second, no customers because the store isn't actually open yet. Third, our boss got us pizza and some pops. Yes, I can be cheered with grade-school bribery. I felt like I made a good impression because I didn't spend the day gossiping (I didn't know anyone there and it wasn't until late afternoon that someone started talking to me), I know how to do resets (apparently he didn't think I did) and I worked consistantly hard throughout the day.
When someone did start talking to me, she told me her life story pretty much. I can't remember her name or store but I know that she is a mom, her man left after screwing her life up, and she lives with her parents. She talked about being pregnant, and about how lonely she is, and how she wishes she could have done a few things differently. Why she chose to share all this is beyond me. It is not the first time I've had that affect on someone. Obviously I have chosen the wrong profession.

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