Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hallmark Coupons

I have only seen one Hallmark coupon in my entire life, and it was a peelie from a Crush bottle during Valentine's Day. Speaking of Hallmark, that was where I spent my entire day. Which I was stoked about because it was unexpected. I rushed up to the register and found my coworker standing there. Oh...then I rushed into the office to double-check the schedule. Btw, my "rushing" is really more of a quick waddle with a lot of arm-swinging that makes me feel like I'm mall-walking. I got to pull down Christmas, consolidate New Year's, rebuild Valentine's and fill in Everyday. But no, we don't have a Birthday card for your cousin. Should you just buy a non-cousin-specified card? Yes. You should.

I purchased a "money maker" item today, wherein I got a coupon that was worth more than what I paid for the item and my coworker asked how I knew that was going to happen.
"Because I fucking love coupons and because I was up at 6 am today looking at our sales paper online."
As much as I love coupons, I only love them when used appropriately. You have to read the coupon...I am one of those bitch cashiers that reads the coupon and scans the screen to make sure they match up. I will turn you down if you can't read the damn coupon. Nicely, though.

I work tomorrow and I am already thanking baby Jesus that our store does not sell booze. Even though I only work till 5pm...some people in our neighborhood get to partying early.

I remembered last night around midnight that I forgot to post after my shift on Thursday. Probably because around 10am I told my managers I was sick. Which was true. I had thrown up that morning, dry heaved on my break, and was pretty sure I was having contractions. Plus, I was an emotional wreck, for some reason. I called my husband from the bathroom, crying, and he encouraged me to come home. And thanks to the quick action of my managers, I was back in bed by 11:41 am.

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