Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Day

Happy New Year!!

A fussy German woman started to get preemptively hostile towards me and I ignored her. She had some confusion about the deal she heard in-store and the expired coupon she wanted to use. I wouldn't let her use the coupon, of course, and she kept saying that I had just announced that she could. When I quietly reminded her that I didn't do anything, she was livid. So as my line built, and my idiot co-workers ignored my pleas to open up, we waited for a manager. The manager came and told her she couldn't use that coupon (duh), that she didn't have enough points on her card to redeem, and that he wasn't sure what announcement she was talking about. He also told her that she dropped the phone card she just purchased. We thought she picked up the phone card, but then another customer handed it to us after she left. When she came back to retrieve the phone card, I handed it to her before she said anything. Instead of saying "thank you" like I would have, she instead started lecturing me about looking out for people's merchandise, and how could I be so careless...I was uninterested in hearing her bullshit, so I walked to the other register and sat and continued to scrape the sticker goo off the counter. She obviously does not like to be ignored because she almost put her hands on me so I would look at her. Then she rushed off to complain to the manager. (The same guy from before). On her way out, she told me I should find another job. While I could have been more attentive while listening to her verbally shit all over me, I felt that my response was the best I could do. I wanted to start an argument with her, but obviously that would not be in my best interest. I understand her frustration at feeling ignored, but if she had started nicely it probably would have ended nicely. What a helluva way to start the New Year. Thank goodness we get paid more today.

My darling husband came in to get some rock salt for the driveway so I don't bust my shit. And so he could antagonize me at work. 

On my way to my car, after punching out, I spot one of my former co-workers. He just quit sometime last week and we spent about fifteen minutes chatting in the parking lot. During that time, we watched a rear-ending wherein the perp was on the phone and the victim leapt out of his car to investigate. Both of us would have been willing to take action if necessary.

Because of the holiday, our staff was so much more relaxed. I spent quite a bit of time hanging out and gossiping, as well as leisurely going about my work. At least I showed up. Some girl just got fired yesterday because of her continuous no-calls/no-shows. A word of advice: if the pregnant girl doesn't do it, you shouldn't either.

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