Monday, September 23, 2013

The Game

It took me almost my entire to realize why we weren't that busy. Go Bears!

I talked to a woman who evidently is my friend. She told me her mom had her 76th birthday coming up (or had recently occured) and her mother was talking about how old she was. My friend told me she is 47, and her son is 26, but age is just a number. She asked how my son was doing, and said he is awesome, but when I said bye to him today (before I left for work) he cried as I was leaving. I told her that made me feel good, because it means he knows me and loves me, and doesn't want me to go. But its' bad for whomever I'm leaving him with. She said that is good, because only smart boys love their mother. Then she told me her son is bald, with a lot of tattoos and piercings, and he drinks and smokes too much. She told him that he has to think of his liver and kidneys because he is getting older. Apparently her son said that she was the coolest mom ever, but she needs to shush. Then she told me I was very pretty, and every time she sees a pretty girl, she wishes her son would find one, and settle down. When she had her son, he looked like a clone of his father. And his father told her, when she went to the hospital to give birth (without him?) he told her not to come home without a boy. When her son was little, he looked so much like his father, people joked that she wasn't involved. Her and her then-husband are divorced now, and her son resembles her more. While she was telling me all this, she seemed to be fighting back tears and/or a lot of emotion. She hugged me at the end of our convo.

I was suffering from sleep depravation and was feeling weird and out of it all day.

This guy comes in and buys a huge stack of newspapers, which he does about once a week. I'm pretty sure they aren't all current. Today he was buying some women's magazines too.

I asked my young co-worker if he's seen Clerks. Which he hasn't even heard of, because he is to young. But today was kind of a "I'm not even supposed to be here today!" day.

My manager doesn't know anything and I had to deal with a customer service issue on my own.

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