A few minutes before I was going to leave, this probably-Russian women came up to me and said,
"I need new raincheck. You take raincheck."
I just looked at her, and took the raincheck from her outstretched hand. She snatched it back and said,
"You take raincheck. I need new. You take?"
I looked at her overly-mascaraed eyes and tried to figure out what the hell she wanted. She mumbled something in probably-Russian and then said,
"How you work here? You so stupid, you know nothzing." I finally snapped and said, loudly,
"You are being very rude, and I don't need to listen to you! Hang on for one second while I call my manager."
I will remember her next time she comes in. I don't know why she had to be such a bitch. And when my manager was done with her, he came into the office and said,
"What's wrong with you? That woman was perfectly nice." Shut the hell up.
We had a good crew today, which led to a lot of unprofessional hilarity. Also, I really like our Brinks guy because he always messes with me. He saw me holding a cold pop can up to my infected ear (a while ago) and asked how the reception was.
An off-duty coworker came in to bring me Camel coupons, which is so totally sweet of her. And I used one today. I also used two low-value (25 cents) Folgers coupons. The big buckets were on sale for $8.99. I got them for $7.56 each.
While I was busy scanning interstore merch, my manager was fussing about how we let coupon scam artists run amok. This lady came in an used a bunch of photocopied coupons after returning $400 worth of merchandise from a previous sale week. If we don't let her continue her multiple-store scam she will call corporate and they will give her a gift card for her trouble. And the trouble trickles down onto my managers. That is some bullshit, and that is why some retailers are difficult about honest coupon users (myself). It is bitches like her that make it hard for the rest of us.
I made a real stupid mistake while posting my interstore order. I thought I could scroll down to the rest of my list by pressing "tab". I couldn't, so then I thought that the rest of the merch didn't scan...so I scanned it again and posted it again. And I finally got a coworker to scroll it the fuck down. I felt so stupid! But I'm not, so I'm good.
I worked from 7:30 till 3:45. Woulda stayed til four, but I was about to get overtime.