Tuesday, April 10, 2012


As we all know, our Easter stuff is 50% off. This little, old, Asian women came to my register with a few bags of Easter candy requesting a price check. I obliged. She was surprised at the amount of the Hershey's eggs, chose not to purchase them, paid for the rest of her stuff, and left my vicinity. She came back again with a few more bags of candy and once again, the Hershey's eggs. She was still surprised at the price and let me know she thought they should be somewhere around $2. I recalled my manager telling me to discount Easter stuff whenever there might be an argument, so I said
"Sure. Sure, I can make it $2."
"Oh, really? Oh, thank you. I send these candies back to my country."
A pause, while I thought of a good response.
"Oh really? Which country is that?" Her reply wasn't alarming to me, but the way she said it kind of was. She looked around, then half-whispered, half-mouthed,
"Vietnam? Wow..."
"The people there love these chocolates, but they are too poor to get them. So I mail them the chocolates."
"That is very nice of you. They must appreciate that."
"Oh, yeah. Ok...bye!"
"Ok. Have a good day!"

Somehow my boss and I got into yet another conversation about gang-related wounds. I told him personal information about my father which I now feel a little weird about.

I also feel a little weird about my leaving a somewhat bizarre to-do note I left near the register. It was written on the back of part of a White Owl White Grape package and said things like "make sure loan has a fixed interest" and "4/18 Hallmark in for me, and possibly Matali, 9am" I kind of hope one of my coworkers threw it away without looking at it. Guess I'll find out tomorrow.

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