Thursday, April 5, 2012

Comments and Concerns

A possibly deranged Assyrian lady told me I look like an Arab girl she knows. I assumed she was deranged because I am just about the whitest girl you've ever seen. "Pale like skim milk."

A customer approached my register to apologize for being difficult about the milk. She said she really gave me a hard time, and she was very sorry. Apparently, I am usually very sweet to her, and she wanted me to know she had been thinking about how difficult she had been and felt terrible about it. I smiled sweetly and in my customer service voice told her I had forgotten about it, and to stop worrying about it. In truth, I had no idea what milk difficulty she was speaking of. Later, however, I recalled the incident, although with no ill will. She had a raincheck, and for some reason, she couldn't understand the concept, nor the final price. The conversation had circled for quite awhile and I finally called my manager. She is the first (that I can recall) customer to apologize for an event so long after said event took place. I found it charming and sweet that she wanted to make amends. I have been on my vaycay for a week, and her situation took place a few days before that.

It pleases me to know that at least some (or one) of our customers find it necessary to make amends.

A coworker thought I was several years younger than I am. But two older men hit on me today. Creepy? Possibly.

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