Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Mist

Yesterday there was a very large, prehistoric-looking bug flying around, and hitting the lights. It looked moth-like, but when it hit stuff, there was a audible smack. It had the camouflage and markings for the wild! I tried to catch it with a box to bring it back outside, but I failed. 

Today there was a HUGE storm. I heard about it's possible arrival via the radio on the way to work. I told my co-worker this, he looked surprised, and I stood at the register while he went to close his windows. The storm came through, with super-heavy rain, hail, lightening and the wrath of God. A few tree branches went down, some power went out (not at our store), and people flocked to our store. We were super-busy! My manager had me defrost an absurd amount of bread because he said that we were the store people go general and also in an emergency. Which is true, but how many bags of seeded kaiser rolls do we need?
Many people bought candles and flashlights. Although not as many batteries as I expected. Or eggs.

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