Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Weight Gain, Price Checks and Rehab

For some reason, one of my regulars thought it was appropriate to let me know that I did, in fact, gain weight after the birth of my child. I did know that, and I'm ok with it. But I wanted to tell him how inappropriate it is that he would say something like that. But I was afraid if I opened my mouth, I would fly off the handle. So I said nothing. And his wife was embarrassed that he said that.

I tried to finish a project for a manager and I totally screwed it up. I think I was supposed to put all the baked goods up, wherever they could go. But I couldn't find a lot of the mylars and I wasn't sure where to put things. After putting a bunch of stuff up, I realized I forgot to date them. When I did date them, I realized I put the wrong date on. So basically I just moved a lot of stuff around, in and out of different milk crates. I left a crazy note, and I feel terrible. I hope my manager doesn't think I'm a dum-dum. And I hope I don't get fired.

The guy that came in drunk the other day, came in drunk again. He was with his woman, who was ignoring him. And he asked me if he had said anything wrong, or if he got crazy. I guess he had a black-out. He was really worried about what he may or may not have said.
I told the next person in line that at least he stopped doing blow. She mentioned that she was a consular at one of the intense rehab around here. We had a transaction-length conversation about being ready for  getting help and getting clean and sober.

We got out early.

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