Tuesday, July 15, 2014


An older woman and younger woman came to my register. Possibly mother-daughter. They had a big order and while I was beeping away the older woman said to me,
"Wow. You are beautiful."
"Oh thank you. Right on."
"You should be on some kind of poster of beautiful pregnant women."
Looking back, that seems like kind of a weird thing to say, but I very much appreciated the sentiment so I said,
"Oh! That is so nice."

An older woman (70ish) wanted to buy some Bonine, and she needed to run to the car to get some more money. When she returned, she said she was buying it because she has been dizzy all day. I immediately sympathized with her. She asked if I have ever experienced that and I told her about the few times I have. And about my sister, who used to suffer a lot from dizziness. We talked briefly about how awful it is,  (she seemed glad to be talking to someone who understood) and then about her osteoporosis. She mentioned she was from Chicago but lives in Toronto, which is why she doesn't have a rewards card .

I noticed a few shifts I was trying to get rid of have been crossed out. And the new girl's name is written in. I am hopeful .

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