Sunday, January 6, 2013

Cotton Swabs and Lost Profits

A disheveled fellow approached my counter today, asking for T-Mobile cards, among other things. He was a tad unfortuante looking, but it could have been remedied if his clothes had fit. I direct him to the appropriate aisle, and he comes back with a box of store-brand Q-tips, while holding one in his hand. He runs the one in his hand over his eyeball and around his eye. During the transaction he does this several more times. And when he came back to do a few more transactions, he had a few more Q-tips in his hands. And was running them over and around his eyeball. Freaked me out. OCD? Unclean? I have no idea. But he did say he wished he brought his glasses, while he was wearing a pair.

Our rewards cards rack up points, depending on what one purchases. I, of course, have several thousand points. But today I made a mistake: I redeemed points during a transaction that caused me to lose about $4 in points. Once I figured out what I had done, I was super-annoyed. Then I promptly lost my receipt so I couldn't fix it. Its' ok though. I'm hoarding "free" (items for which high-value coupons print out) items behind my register. I'm stockpiling like crazy before my baby comes. I don't trust the hubs or the fam to get the deals like I do. And I'm having coupon anxiety because I have NO cleaning supply coupons. How did that happen? Also, how does one figure out how much one's stockpile is worth, how much one paid, and how much one saved over the course of the year? My remedial math skills only take me so far. 

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