Tuesday, February 21, 2012

$105. Are You F-ing K-ing Me?!

One of my first two customers of the day were these two little Asian girls. They were obviously on their way to school, with their cute pink backpacks. But first they had to swing by our Easter aisle. And they bought $105 worth of gum, Easter candy, regular candy, and one gift bag. These girls are starting to become my regulars, and the little one always purchases a ridiculous amount of candy. The least I've rung her up for is $60. The guy behind her in line said "I want her job." Seriously, she either has awful money sense, or her parents make bank. Or both. All I know is I felt guilty when I spent $20 of my parent's money. Although I suppose it could be hers, but she certainly doesn't take long to save up a lot, especially for her age and spending habits. And I have always been leery of over-spending. Also, it amazes me that this kid is allowed to walk around with that much money. Whenever I had a lot of money saved up, my ma always brought me to the bank to make a deposit so I didn't lose it, or get it stolen from me. I would like to ask her a lot questions about the amount she is spending but I will not because that is rude.

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