Saturday, February 4, 2012


I didn't work at the store today; I worked at my other job instead. However, I realized that I missed writing on Thursday and Friday. So here is my update.
I worked the Hallmark aisle with my favorite manager and while I was scanning the order sheets for cards, an older woman came up and said
"Just the girl I wanted to see. Can I ask you a few questions? About the ring in your lip?" She was a close talker so I took a step back and said
"Umm. I was wondering, about the thing in your lip...did a doctor do it? Because I used to have my ears pierced and one of them seemed to have closed up." I didn't have the heart to tell her I pierced my lip myself (also it makes me sound crazy) so I said she should go to a piercer.
"So you don't think a doctor will do it?"
"No ma'am. What you need to do is go into a piercer at a tatoo and piercing parlor. A doctor will not, and probably should not, re-pierce your ears. But I will say that you should go to someone who uses a needle and not a gun. Because the needles they use are hollow and take out the flesh as opposed to the gun which just startles the flesh and pushes it out of the way. Thats why some people get those little bumps on the back of their ears. That would be the startled flesh trying to move out of the way."
She looked startled herself by this point and said "Well, wherever do I find someone who will do this?
"Just type in 'Piercer, city'. The one I like is down in the city, if you ever go down that way.."
I hope she knows what I meant by "just type in.."
Friday was my BIRTHDAY!!! and although my fave coworker bought me a Monster, I have decided that I will never work on my birthday again. Although whenever I told someone how old I turned, they were surprised. Evidentially I look much younger. I'm not complaining. I'm just saying.
Someone told me I should get my charts done because Neptune is moving in or out of my area and Saturn will be within my orbit next year. Big changes are coming soon. I think. Maybe I should get my charts read. Or done.

1 comment:

  1. You should never work on your birthday. I completely agree. I did it once and I'll never do it again as long as I live.
    Have I mentioned that I love this? How long have you been blogging for? Is this getting annoying yet?
