Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Our store gives out high-value coupons with certain purchases. These coupons work very well to knock off a significant amount from the total. Each item can have a coupon applied to it. I purchase a lot of name-brand items usually using a $1 off coupon for each of them. Then I get a store-brand item and use a high-value store coupon so the overage from the high-value coupon goes towards the total. This is why extreme couponers often purchase in such bulk; so they can use overage from certain coupons towards other products with low-value coupons.
My Shopping List for Today:
1 Advil Pm-$7.99 on sale, used a $1 off coupon
1 Zicam Extreme Congestion Spray- $10.99 on sale, used a $2 off coupon
5 jars of store-brand tomato sauce- 39 cents each with the store coupon, used a $9 off coupon
2 boxes of Toll House crackers- on sale 2/$5, used a $1 off coupon
My total, with my employee discount, was $8 something. But I got a $2 off coupon for my next purchase.
I'm not extreme enough to get on the t.v show yet, but I'm working on it.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds very familiar :-)
    Also I hope we can be on the show Extreme Couponing sometime in the future showing off our stock piles!!

