Sunday, April 15, 2012


I worked for the HBA on Friday. We brought the truck in. I was there from 6:30am to 2:45pm. When I was leaving, I felt like I was leaving too early. The day was actually kind of awesome. And at around 8 am, this guy standing in the feminine need aisle called for help. I was waiting for him to tell me what his wife had sent him to the store for, but as the conversation progressed I found out that he was shopping for his eleven year old daughter. Presumably, this was only her first or second cycle and everyone was still a little freaked out. He looked at a package of Always with Wings and said he wasn't sure what those extra shapes were. I told him they wrap around the panty and if she is going to school she will probably want extra-thin with wings. I deterred him from the scented because I think those always smell a little odd and are too obvious. He asked me how many she should take to school. I said three just to make her feel safe. I was impressed with his lack of extreme embarrassment (he was a little) and I was impressed that he actually made this errand at all.
Later that day my coworker comes to me and tells me to help this woman in choosing a pregnancy test. I found her in that aisle looking at store-brand tests. I love my company as much as the next guy, but there are some things that just necessitate the national brand. I steered her towards the ones I like. And in heavily accented English she asks me if we have pills to get rid of it. I finally realized she was talking about the morning-after pill (which of course you can only take the morning after). I gave her a card to bring up to the pharmacy and advised her to speak with the pharmacist. Which in her case seemed like the least she needs to do.

Today I just couldn't wake up. I forgot my coffee at home, but I keep instant and a cup in my locker. (The cup is actually a jar, because I am, in fact, a hillbilly. Although there has been some debate about whether my jar use is country or ghetto.) I bought myself a Pepsi Next (which I made 7 cents on) and I still couldn't wake up. I spent the whole day in the Hallmark aisle and answering IC3s, but I'm not sure how much I actually got done. Me and the two other women I was working with felt blah and discombobulated too.
Just an FYI, I work with one woman five days of the week and our cycles have lined up. I told her this the other day and she asked how I knew that. I know because our male co-worker whom we share a lot with always looks extra-stressed on our first day. We spend half the day telling him our uterus hurts and I think we might be too much woman for him.

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