Thursday, August 29, 2013

Born To Party, Forced To Work

This guy came to the photo counter all kinds of stressed out. He wanted to print a photo from Facebook. His USB cord didn't work and he couldn't figure out how to get the photo in his gallery. He kept saying to hook it up to the computer. Which wouldn't work because the computer in the Lab is not that type of machine. I finally had to tell him there was nothing more I could do. I even suggested to get our App, but he got all stressed out and told me his niece does all that.
The guy came back with a different shirt on. Previously he had a pink shirt with an Olde English lion on it. The second shirt was blue with "Born to party Forced to work" written across the front. He seemed a little old to be wearing a shirt like that. When he came back he was much more excited and slightly less stressed out. We figured out how to print his photo, of which he needed 40 because he was using them in centerpieces for a wedding. Apparently he used to live in Saudi Arabia, and worked as a wedding planner. He said he sewed stuff for princes. Then he said my eyes looked Lebanese. He wanted the photos to be laminated so he could display them in a tank of water with lights surrounding it. But he can't find laminate.

The employee that was making everyone crazy quit the other day. Then he tried to get his old job back at the other store, which didn't work out.

We have a visit coming up, and I'm not super-impressed with my work tonight.

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