Thursday, January 2, 2014

Eight Miles Is Too Far

My co-worker called off because he says he lives eight miles away, and it is too far to drive in the snow. I think he called off because he was afraid that someone would dent his car in our lot, or he was afraid he would get into an accident either to or from work. He seems like kind of a car guy, so I'm guessing he was more afraid that he car would get damaged than anything else.
Because of his asshole behavior, I was on the Register all night.
But because I was mostly standing and not walking, my feet didn't start hurting till a few hours before my shift ended.
I can't wait to make my podiatrist appointment.

There are people who come in several times at week, if not every day. Each day they purchase candy, chips, or cigarettes. The amount of money being spent is astounding. Especially on nothing.

A woman who looks kind of rough came in to buy some Chore Boy. I spent the transaction studying her to see if I could detect crack-user behavior. I'm not sure if she is a user. Certainly not a lifelong one.
The next time she came in (about an hour later) she wanted a pack of cigarettes. She asked for reds, which I rang her up for, and she left. A second later, she comes back in, wanting lights. She says,
"I always want reds; that's what I smoke. But my husband has emphysema. So he smokes lights."
My God, it must be awful to be faced by your addiction like that, and be unable to overcome it.

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