Thursday, December 29, 2011


I don't know why, but today was particularly frazzling and crazy. Possibly this was just me.

There was some unrest going on between my coworkers, when one told the other she had an attitude problem.

I had to ask my boss if it was ok to call the guy on the floor up to the register if I felt like smacking someone. He said yes.

When I clocked back into work after lunch my store manager tells me that if I can deal with our customers and issues at this store, then I can handle any fucking job anyfuckingwhere.

The last straw was when my relief coworker comes in late and then SHOPS! I saw him in aisle three gettin' his protein bars, then coming up to the register. Granted, I only punched out eight minutes late, but he shouldn't be coming in late, and then grabbing what he wants before coming to his post. I don't even do that in the mornings when we aren't busy. But at 4:30 in the afternoon, its Drive Time and I was swamped and my line was long even with the guy at Register Two. Speaking of that guy, I asked him if he could come up to my register at 4:25 so I could put away my overstock and clock out on time. He didn't, but then he made up for it by listening to me vent while I was in the aisles putting away some of my overstock, and he evidentily felt sorry for me or decided I was crazy enough to be a threat,(especially when I freaked out about not being able to find where the Orchard Blossoms Patriot candle went) so he offered to put the rest of the stuff up. On my way out I gently and kindly asked my store manager to tell the latecomer to stop coming in late and for the love of Baby Jesus don't shop before arriving at his post. And I told him if he doesn't tell him, I will and the way he says it will be a lot different then the way I'll say it. My store manager turns to my other manager and says "Looks like you have some work to do." Finally, at least someone will be working.

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