Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Neglected Aisle

I'm feeling kind of bad about how I left my Hallmark aisle. I was supposed to put up the Halloween and other Fall holiday cards several days ago. I mentioned that to a few managers, and today was the day I was finally able to make some progress. Part of my not getting it done was my fault, though. I forgot about putting up the new stuff, then I would remember it at inopportune times. How did the woman before me get all this done? Besides being an O.G, she was scheduled exclusively for the Hallmark aisle, which means she didn't spend a lot of time in other departments or helping customers. (I do both those things on a regular basis.) I have tommorow off, and right now half my aisle is missing merchandise. I'm sure I will have a ton of complaints waiting for me. But perhaps it will put pressure on my managers to let me in the aisle on Tuesday. The other thing I'm worried about is snapping at my mangers if/when they tell me to fix my aisle. I will try keep my comebacks to myself, remain chipper and agreeable...instead of informing them that I need to be allowed to work in that aisle more often, I need to be allowed to read the Hallmark emails, and I need time to reorganize my space in the back. On the upside, I love my cards.

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