Friday, May 24, 2013

Hallmark, Photo and Jesus

I did Hallmark and Photo until the guy who was actually scheduled in Photo showed up.

While in the Hallmark I chatted with a woman who spent a long time looking at cards. She said she wanted to find just the right one. Because a few years back she bought her now-deceased mother a Mother's Day card and never gave it to her because the card was for/about the idealized mother. And evidently her mother was not ideal. Now she wants to give that card to one of her grandkids to give to their mother. She told me she had been holding onto that card for a number of years and feels regret about how her and her mother's relationship turned out. I told her a little about my mom and our relationship, and I also suggested that giving away the Mother's Day card she has been holding onto might offer her some closure regarding her own mother. I also said that perhaps she was the mother she wished she had, so in some ways it might be a blessing that her mom was the way she was. Otherwise her kids might now have turned out how they did. I am fairly certain I do not get paid enough for the therapy sessions I sometimes hold in my aisle and at my register.

The Jesus Freak was hanging around the pharmacy waiting area from about 10pm until after we closed. He conducts his business there. While I was ear-hustling he was talking to someone about and how after consuming a pro-biotic whatever he felt psychologically and physically better. The item in question is on sale at a health food chain. He talked a lot about proboscis and bacteria. But I'm pretty sure he doesn't really know what he is talking about. At 11:57 I told him he had to go, and he asked if he could use the washroom, or was it too late. I said that it was too late, but if he really needed to he could. Apparently he just needed to wash his hands, which is ridiculous. And then he stayed til about 12:05 buying a single-serve bottle of Honest Tea. He knows what time we close, I don't know why he does that.

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