Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What Should I Take?

I don't what it is about standing around in Aisle 9 that makes people ask me pharmaceutical questions. But they do. Aisle 9 is the Pain/Sleep/Cough and Cold aisle and whenever I am working there, people ask me questions that I cannot legally answer. I answer anyway, but I always say,
"I am not a medical professional. I cannot legally give you medical advice. But if I were you..."
Today I was doing outdates in Aisle 9, which means I went through each item and checked it's expiration date. We had quite a few of expired or nearly expired items. And I had quite a few questions regarding people's pharmaceutical needs. They always looked annoyed that I wasn't that helpful.

I cleaned the men's bathroom after we closed. And someone didn't flush after going Number 2. And there was a pile of toilet paper in the corner, which I didn't touch, even with my gloves. And there was shit on the wall and the toilet seat. Honestly, how does someone do that?

I actually helped someone in Photo today! An older Indian gentlemen who kept apologizing, unnecessarily. He said that his son usually prints his photos for him, but he didn't know how. The whole thing was quite heartwarming, thank you very much.

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