Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day

Our sales were not as good as expected, given the holiday.

The skanky girl that we should call the cops on came in again. I told my manager to call the cops, or watch her, or something. And mostly he did nothing while they were in the store, and when they left he asked why I hadn't taken care of it. WTF? I hate that girl.

The guy who covered Photo during the day shift had encountered many Iraqis trying to get their passport/ID photos done for cheap. Apparently he had been telling people all day that he could not print out their passport-size photos for less than what we charge for a passport. And people had been getting mad at him all day. He blew up one of those passports and left an angry note about our 'cheap customers'. He spelled words wrong and used poor grammar. I never got anyone who wanted me to preform that service for them.

I did get a guy who had previously been in our store, and who probably left his keys on the Photo counter. I had some keys by the register. but when I asked the guy what other cards he had on the key chain, he couldn't tell me. He asked me to please help him, and I told him I was trying to. And then I asked him if he knew what his keys looked like (they had key covers on them for easier identification).   He couldn't tell me anything else. So I didn't give him the keys. And I left a note in the office with his phone number so someone else could deal with it. His first name is the same as his last.

I got diapers, Doritos, and two candy bars for a $1.38 with my 'blanket' coupon. Thank goodness.

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