Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Big Red Freak Out!

All of a sudden I heard a yell from somewhere near the photo department. At first I thought it was the H.P.S having a freak out about something, until the second scream comes. The screamer is most definitely a feminine-sounding man. His yelling/screaming is so intense, but through it I can understand that he is upset because the Big Red pop was kind of hidden by the Nehi, Tahitian Treat, and R.C. He is screaming,
"I couldn't find the fucking Big Red! That is the best kind of pop there is and you hid it! I couldn't find it and it's all your fault! You should be fired! I couldn't find it and you should be fired!"
While screaming this is he limping around and pushing his old-person shopping cart. He got two two-liters of Big Red. He gets to my register (but at this point I'm supposed to be in the Hallmark aisle. I was just answering an IC3). And he starts the rant all over. I was getting super-pissed, because I don't care how disabled or ill you are, no one yells at me like that. So in the middle of his sentence, I throw up my hand and walk away. I apologize to the girl at the front and tell her I can't handle it.
After he left, my manager was making fun of me for being a little freaked out.
I headed over to the pharmacy to let them know that I do not like this guy now either. Before I did, because he bought lollipops for Friday and Saturday night only (he couldn't eat them any other time) and he didn't smoke so he would have milk money. He apparently has had a couple of freak-outs at pharmacy (this week) and I bonded with two of the pharmacists (and a tech) over our mutual dislike and discomfort regarding this gentleman. Code Big Red!

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