Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Being the narcissist that I am, I was reading some of my old posts. And I have concluded, like many of the other folks who have read my blog, that I am in fact hilarious.
I also look great in yellow, it seems. I wouldn't think so, because I am so pale the blueness of my veins show through. And I have thought that wearing yellow would reflect on my near-translucent skin and make me look jaundiced. But that is not the case, thank you very much. Which is fabulous because I find yellow and pink to be very cheerful colors. And I like to wear them because God knows we need some cheer at work. Anyway, today I wore my hair in a high ponytail secured with a pink elastic. I wore a wide bright yellow terry-cloth headband, yellow with white polka-dot earrings, and a yellow with white-polka dot shirt. The shirt is "new", I'm pretty sure it is a child's shirt. It has about six buttons, ruffling at the short sleeves, and a collar that I tried to pop. I got more compliments about all my yellow than I ever would have expected. Even from the manager. Who I thought was making fun of me, but it turns out he was not.

I unwrapped the entire set of Father's Day cards. And I found a 'from the cat' card I really like.

An older gentleman with a maroon polo and one arm was standing around in my aisle looking slightly bewildered.
"Did you need help?"
He looked at me, and with a sideways grin, replied,
"Do I need help? Oh yeah, I need a lot of help."
With a grin and a giggle,
"Let me rephrase. Do you help regarding the cards in my aisle? You look a little stressed."
"Oh, well... I would just like a birthday card for my daughter. Do you have something that would work?"
As we are looking at the daughter-birthday cards he mentions that his daughter loves dogs. I am elated. I love our dog cards. I help him sort through the dumb-dog ones, and then point him over to my favorite 99 cent card. It is a little dauchund with a party hat and two red balloons on long strings tied to his ears. He looks excited to be there and the helium in the balloons is lifting his long dog-ears up. I forgot what the inside says because the front is so fantastic it is distracting. So I tell him
"I have been waiting for a birthday so I can give someone this card. Look how happy he is to be there! He is so cute! This is my favorite card. But we also have a few other dog ones in this section as well as the 'daughter, i love you more than I thought I could' cards in the section behind you."
I head over to the mushy and non-dog cards, and we have a moment where he has turned the opposite way from me and has to do a full circle to find me again. He has picked up a yappy-dog-with-a-party-hat card and settles on that one. And he warmly thanks me for my help. Which I appreciated.

Earlier today I helped a women with a blinding pick shirt (my kinda lady) and bright pink lipstick look for a get well card. A sympathy card was placed in a get-well slot and she let me know that although this gentleman is old he isn't dead yet. Luckily, price wasn't an issue, so I was able to look at our full selection. I first picked out a "prayer for you" with a flying religious bug on the front. That didn't seem classy enough. So I pointed her to a burnt orange "my thoughts are with you, get-well soon" card. The message seemed heartfelt, and it was classy and sincere, but simple. She also thanked me warmly.

Is there a profession that involves helping people pick out cards? I got a lot of satisfaction from those two interactions. Maybe I could make my own cards.

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