Friday, April 11, 2014

It's Warm Out

The warm weather brought out a lot of activity and crazies and kids.

I was ringing up a regular for his smokes, when his friend (who I recognized) asked how my kid was.
"The one on the outside is awesome, but the one on the inside is making my life difficult. Inside me, not inside prison. Just so we're clear."
They laughed.
My non-regular asked if I had remembered what his friend had said to me. I did not. But he remembered almost our entire conversation. Before I had a chance to tell him that was a little creepy, a youngish guy and girl came in. The newly-arrived guy was very happy to see my regular. They hugged and the new guy told his woman to get his number, and they were all chatty and happy, and kind of included me in their conversation. I guessed correctly that the newest guy had recently gotten out of lock-up.
He told me he didn't really understand computers...while he was looking at the pinpad.

My regular child-customer was trying to purchase a bunch of snacks for some girls he wanted to be friendly with, and a few of his guy friends. His Link card didn't go through. They all had to put their stuff back, and I could tell he was embarassed. He is a small guy, much shorter than anyone he comes in with. I think he has some street cred because his brother is in a gang.

Right before I went on lunch, three tall guys were at the register, after having spent some time talking about me farther back in the line. I think. And when I was ringing them up, they talked about the cars they were selling, how much money they make, and just generally being dicks. When my husband called, it was obvious I was taking a personal call. One guy told me, in a falsetto voice, not to take my personal calls. Then the guy asking for change wanted singles for his five. Because he was going to the strip club. I just looked at him crazy.

We got out on time.

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